Led by two vibrant young minds, NagaEd is a leading social enterprise aiming at addressing a basic unmet need of the society – Education. The organization which is a one of its kind digital education solution in the state is set out on a mission to develop quality blended education solutions for students, teachers, and...Read More
NagaEd, a local digital education provider has partnered with Central Square Foundation (CSF), a venture philanthropy fund and policy think tank that works towards improving the learning outcomes of students across India. The partnership gives Naga students and teachers access to CSF's TicTacLearn (TTL) content repository, which holds over 12,000 quality educational videos and assessments...Read More
NagaEd, a digital education provider has partnered with Central Square Foundation (CSF), a venture philanthropy fund and policy think tank that works towards improving the learning outcomes of students across India. The partnership gives Naga students and teachers access to CSF’s TicTacLearn (TTL) content repository, which holds over 12,000 quality educational videos and assessments for...Read More
In this feature of 100 Emerging Women Leaders, we speak to entrepreneur Shiroi Lily Shaiza, co-founder, NagaEd, who started up to bring quality education to remote and rural communities in Nagaland.Read More