
NBSE Class 9 Video Lesson

Chapter No.Chapter NameLink to Topic
1Number SystemsMeaning of Irrational Number
1Number SystemsMeaning of Irrational Number
1Number SystemsDecimal Representation of Rational and Irrational Numbers
1Number SystemsDecimal Representation of Rational and Irrational Numbers
1Number SystemsDecimal Representation of Rational and Irrational Numbers
1Number SystemsNumber line representation of Rational and Irrational Numbers
1Number SystemsNumber line representation of Rational and Irrational Numbers
1Number SystemsNumber line representation of Rational and Irrational Numbers
1Number SystemsIrrational Number between given numbers
1Number SystemsIrrational Number between given numbers
1Number SystemsIrrational Number between given numbers
1Number SystemsOperations on Real Numbers
1Number SystemsOperations on Real Numbers
1Number SystemsOperations on Real Numbers
1Number SystemsRationalise irrational numbers
1Number SystemsRationalise irrational numbers
1Number SystemsRationalise irrational numbers
1Number SystemsLaws of Exponents for Real Numbers
1Number SystemsLaws of Exponents for Real Numbers
1Number SystemsLaws of Exponents for Real Numbers
2PolynomialsDegree of a polynomial
2PolynomialsDegree of a polynomial
2PolynomialsDegree of a polynomial
2PolynomialsZeroes of a polynomial
2PolynomialsZeroes of a polynomial
2PolynomialsZeroes of a polynomial
2PolynomialsRemainder Theorem
2PolynomialsRemainder Theorem
2PolynomialsRemainder Theorem
2PolynomialsFactor Theorem
2PolynomialsFactor Theorem
2PolynomialsFactor Theorem
2PolynomialsAlgebraic Identities
2PolynomialsAlgebraic Identities
2PolynomialsAlgebraic Identities
3Coordinate GeometryMeaning and components of cartisian plane
3Coordinate GeometryMeaning and components of cartisian plane
3Coordinate GeometryMeaning and components of cartisian plane
3Coordinate GeometryPlotting a Point in the Plane if its Coordinates are given
3Coordinate GeometryPlotting a Point in the Plane if its Coordinates are given
3Coordinate GeometryPlotting a Point in the Plane if its Coordinates are given
4Linear Equations in two variablesMeaning of linear equation in 2 variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesMeaning of linear equation in 2 variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesMeaning of linear equation in 2 variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesSolution of Linear Equation in 2 variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesSolution of Linear Equation in 2 variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesSolution of Linear Equation in 2 variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesGraph of a Linear Equation in Two Variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesGraph of a Linear Equation in Two Variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesGraph of a Linear Equation in Two Variables
4Linear Equations in two variablesEquations of Lines Parallel to x-axis and y-axis
4Linear Equations in two variablesEquations of Lines Parallel to x-axis and y-axis
4Linear Equations in two variablesEquations of Lines Parallel to x-axis and y-axis
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Definitions
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Definitions
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Definitions
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Axioms
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Axioms
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Axioms
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Postulates
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Postulates
5Introduction to Euclid's GeometryEuclid's Postulates
6Lines and AnglesBasic Terms and Definitions of lines and angles
6Lines and AnglesBasic Terms and Definitions of lines and angles
6Lines and AnglesBasic Terms and Definitions of lines and angles
6Lines and AnglesPairs of angles
6Lines and AnglesPairs of angles
6Lines and AnglesPairs of angles
6Lines and AnglesParallel lines and a transversal
6Lines and AnglesParallel lines and a transversal
6Lines and AnglesParallel lines and a transversal
6Lines and AnglesLine Parallel to the same Lines
6Lines and AnglesLine Parallel to the same Lines
6Lines and AnglesLine Parallel to the same Lines
6Lines and AnglesAngle Sum Property of a Triangle
6Lines and AnglesAngle Sum Property of a Triangle
6Lines and AnglesAngle Sum Property of a Triangle
7TrianglesMeaning of congruency in triangles
7TrianglesMeaning of congruency in triangles
7TrianglesMeaning of congruency in triangles
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (SAS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (SAS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (SAS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (ASA)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (ASA)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (ASA)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (AAS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (AAS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (AAS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (RHS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (RHS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (RHS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (SSS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (SSS)
7TrianglesCongruent Triangles (SSS)
7TrianglesSome properties related to triangles
7TrianglesSome properties related to triangles
7TrianglesSome properties related to triangles
7TrianglesInequalities in a triangle
7TrianglesInequalities in a triangle
7TrianglesInequalities in a triangle
8Quadrilateralsmeaning and types of quadrilaterals
8Quadrilateralsmeaning and types of quadrilaterals
8Quadrilateralsmeaning and types of quadrilaterals
8QuadrilateralsAngle Sum Property of a Quadrilateral
8QuadrilateralsAngle Sum Property of a Quadrilateral
8QuadrilateralsAngle Sum Property of a Quadrilateral
8QuadrilateralsProperties of Parallelogram
8QuadrilateralsProperties of Parallelogram
8QuadrilateralsProperties of Parallelogram
8QuadrilateralsProperties of Parallelogram
8QuadrilateralsThe Mid-point Theorem
8QuadrilateralsThe Mid-point Theorem
8QuadrilateralsThe Mid-point Theorem
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesFigures on the same Base and Between the same Parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesFigures on the same Base and Between the same Parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesParallelograms on the same Base and between the same Parallels
9Parallelograms on the same Base and between the same ParallelsAreas of Parallelograms and triangles
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesParallelograms on the same Base and between the same Parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesAreas of paralleogram and triangle on the same base and between the same parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesAreas of paralleogram and triangle on the same base and between the same parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesAreas of paralleogram and triangle on the same base and between the same parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesTriangles on the same Base and between the same Parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesTriangles on the same Base and between the same Parallels
9Areas of Parallelograms and trianglesTriangles on the same Base and between the same Parallels
10CirclesCircles and its Related Terms
10CirclesCircles and its Related Terms
10CirclesAngle Subtended by a Chord at a Point
10CirclesAngle Subtended by a Chord at a Point
10CirclesAngle Subtended by a Chord at a Point
10CirclesAngle Subtended by a Chord at a Point
10CirclesPerpendicular from the Centre to a Chord
10CirclesPerpendicular from the Centre to a Chord
10CirclesPerpendicular from the Centre to a Chord
10CirclesCircle through Three Points
10CirclesCircle through Three Points
10CirclesChords and their Distances from the Centre
10CirclesChords and their Distances from the Centre
10CirclesChords and their Distances from the Centre
10CirclesAngle Subtended by an Arc of a Circle
10CirclesAngle Subtended by an Arc of a Circle
10CirclesAngle Subtended by an Arc of a Circle
10CirclesConcyclic points
10CirclesConcyclic points
10CirclesChords and arcs
10CirclesCyclic Quadrilaterals
10CirclesCyclic Quadrilaterals
10CirclesCyclic Quadrilaterals
10CirclesCyclic Quadrilaterals
11ConstructionsConstructing the bisector of a given angle
11ConstructionsConstructing the perpendicular bisector of the given line segment
11ConstructionsConstructing angles of the given measures
11ConstructionsConstructing angles of the given measures
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle, given its base, a base angle and sum of other two sides.
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle, given its base, a base angle and sum of other two sides.
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle given its base, a base angle and the difference of the other two sides
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle given its base, a base angle and the difference of the other two sides
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle given its base, a base angle and the difference of the other two sides
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle given its base, a base angle and the difference of the other two sides
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle, given its perimeter and its two base angles.
11ConstructionsConstruct a triangle, given its perimeter and its two base angles.
12Heron's FormulaHeron's Formula
12Heron's FormulaHeron's Formula
12Heron's FormulaHeron's Formula
12Heron's FormulaApplications of Heron's formula
12Heron's FormulaApplications of Heron's formula
12Heron's FormulaApplications of Heron's formula
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface area of a cuboid and cube
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface area of a cuboid and cube
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface area of a cuboid and cube
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Right Circular Cylinder
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Right Circular Cylinder
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Right Circular Cylinder
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Right Circular Cone
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Right Circular Cone
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Right Circular Cone
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Sphere
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Sphere
13Surface Areas and VolumesSurface Area of a Sphere
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Cuboid and cube
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Cuboid and cube
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Cuboid and cube
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Cylinder
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Cylinder
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Cylinder
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Right Circular Cone
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Right Circular Cone
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Right Circular Cone
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Sphere
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Sphere
13Surface Areas and VolumesVolume of a Sphere
14StatisticsGrouped frequency distribution table
14StatisticsGrouped frequency distribution table
14StatisticsGrouped frequency distribution table
14StatisticsFrequency Polygon
14StatisticsFrequency Polygon
14StatisticsFrequency Polygon
14StatisticsMeasures of Central Tendency
14StatisticsMeasures of Central Tendency
14StatisticsMeasures of Central Tendency
14StatisticsMeasures of Central Tendency